
Dry fire training

Safety rules:

1.  Make sure there is no live ammunition around
2.  Always consider a firearm to be loaded
3.  Never point a firearm at another person (including yourself!)
4.  Keep finger outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire
5.  Always ensure a safe back stop

For the beginner shooter try these dry fire drills (two to three times a week)


•  Standing upright, relaxed with hands at sides:
•  Draw handgun from holster and line up sights to target (10x):
•  Repeat above with hands clasped in front of stomach.:
  (Be careful not to knock handgun out of holster bringing hands to the handgun):
•  Repeat above with hands above shoulders.

Notes: The smoother the better. Rather make sure of technique first then speed it up.

•  Standing upright, relaxed with hands at sides:
•  Draw handgun smoothly from holster and line up sights to target, strong hand only (10x)
•  Draw firearm smoothly from holster and line up sights to target, weak hand only (10x)
•  Standing upright, relaxed with hands at sides:
•  Draw handgun from holster, kneel and aim at target (10x)
•  Draw handgun from holster, go prone and aim at target (10x)

Trigger control

•  Start standing upright with handgun in high ready condition.
•  High ready is hands on handgun in front of chest.
•  Extend arms and handgun to target.
•  Line up sights and smoothly pull trigger while focusing on front sight.
•  Repeat until satisfied that a consistent smooth trigger release is possible.

Transitions between targets

•  Start standing upright with handgun in high ready condition:
•  Extend arms and handgun to target, aim at first target then swing to second target    approximately 30 or 45 degrees in front.

Notes: Eyes move quicker than head and handgun. Focus on target where you want to hit and bring sights in line. Slide front sight to stop rather than jerk to a stop, this will be more accurate.


•  Lots of time can be lost with inaccurate reloads.
•  The smoother you are the better your eventual score will be.
•  Start in high ready condition, extend arms and handgun to target and do multiple reloads    from all magazine pouches.
•  Repeat until satisfied that the technique is yours and that a smooth reload is possible.

Live fire drills

Safety rules:

•  Same as with dry fire drills except live ammunition will be used.
•  Always use eye and ear protection (This is applicable to everyone!)
•  As per dry fire drills except now on the Range.
•  Always aim for alphas and don’t accept Charlie's, deltas and mikes.
•  Keep a record of your overall time and splits to track improvement.


Competition Tips

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Upcoming Events

2025-03-01/02 - Club Shoot #2
2025-03-8/9 - MPSA Level III, PCC Level II
2025-03-15/16 - MPS Shotgun League 1

What is New?

Results Shoot 1 added
2025 Calendar updated
New 2025 Rules added

Download and Registrations

Register for club shoot #1: Soon
Course of Fire Club Shoot #1: Soon

Membership Registration: 2025

Apply or Renew Membership: Apply
How to Join the club? See How
Online Safety Induction Test: Write test

SAGA Snippets

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