Teks Shooting club clothes

Our club Golf shirt development since we are at our new shooting range.

1st Club Golf shirt

Second Club Golf shirt

Club Golf shirt (2021)

Club Jacket (2021)

Club Shirt added(2022)

Jacket added(2022)

Club Shirt added(2023)


Competition Tips

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Upcoming Events

2024-07-20 - MPSA Shotgun League #2
2024-08-03 - MPSA League #3
2024-08-24 - Club Rifle #2
2024-08-24/25 - Club Shoot #7

What is New?

Piet Retief/Ermelo/White River Leagues cancelled, 1/2 June Club shoot cancelled, Griffin League 1/2 June moved to 6/7 July
Some dates changed and Shotgun and Rifle shoots added

Download and Registrations

Register for club shoot #7: Soon
Course of Fire Club Shoot #6: Soon

Membership Registration: 2024

Apply or Renew Membership: Apply
How to Join the club? See How
Online Safety Induction Test: Write test

SAGA Snippets

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 Oct 2022   July 2023   Jan 2024